
icky and sweaty, but I'm home!

Why am I all sticky even tho I stayed inside aircon-ed room all day long???

And I am not exactly home. Yet. Still stuck in Jakarta, the city where Dewa Macet lurks...Well I arrived last wed and going back this wed, going back to my lovely holy city. Gosh I miss lentog tanjung!! Raawr~

Anyway anyhooo! The boy left today for Macau! Grr so jealous :p Awas kalo ga bawa oleh-oleh yah! Hehe. I'm kinda bored here already. Kerjaannya cuma makan n nonton dvd doang. Paling ke mall bentar. Which I don't really look forward to do... meh.

What should I do to kill time this hoool??? It could be my last one before I'm starting work oh noo D:

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