19 November 2008

Bondi Junction. One of the best Westfield shopping centre in Sydney! It's big and full of interesting shops.
Watch out for lazy Santa on Christmas time.
Things to love here: Max Brenner. Not that special anymore, but worth some loving.
21 November 2008

Sydney Tower - Revolving restaurant.
I know it's pricey, and the food's not that special, but don't miss this chance to see Sydney's aerial view!
Warning: don't go there on cloudy or rainy days. May makes you feel so desperate, looking at this gloomy city. Makes you wanna jump from the top too, perhaps.

Makoto sushi bar! If you love Jap food or just sushi like ME, you definetely must eat Makoto's sushi!! After that, try the awesome dessert, GREEN TEA BRULEE. Oooh ~ feel the power.
After eating here, you won't be able to eat sushi anywhere else without saying the magic word..."Makoto..."
Surely you'll miss the green tea brulee badly too. Omnomnomnom.
22 November 2008

Back to Darling Harbour!
Well, can't resist the iced choc. Omnomnomnom XD
Until next time, Sydney! :D
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