FYI, 'holy city' is not holy-city as in the holy city of the muslims. My hometown is a small (SMALL! Excessively SMALL!) city called 'Kudus'. In english it means 'holy'. Hence the nickname, holy city.
Anywaay, couple days ago my fav christian band, True Worshippers came to kudus. It was quite a surprise...I'm pretty sure most of their crew had no idea that this city exists before they step their feet here =.= yeah that's how pathetic it is...
Well, they came for my church's anniversary and late christmas celebration (no more christmas feel, hello it's january alreadyyy). Again, it was a surprise...I was expecting my church to invite some oldies band...I don't kno, maybe as old as koes plus? Why? Because my church is...well, oldies xD
My friend and her mom picked me up that night, we went to the place, we got a super awesome parking space *right beside the audience area*. I was a kinda expecting the place to be super jampacked already as I see a long queue towards the entrance *dan bergerak selemot siput double-decker*, and I was ready to face the truth that I had to sit outside and see the performance from outside, through the screen. That would've been sad. It's like watching tv. Why should I be out in the rain!!?? But fate has its own way. As I came in with my friend (her mom was still outside, chitchatting with other tantes), my uncle greeted us. Apparently he was ushering that night! Lucky us, he got as two seats. IN THE VIP AREA. SECOND ROW FROM THE FRONT! WHERE THE RICH OLD PEOPLE SAT!!! UHUUUUY xD Umm, we got some weird questioning doubting stares from some people, but who cares. The usher lead us here, people~
The beginning was boooring~~
Baru mulai setengah jam, perutku udah mulai laper. Tiba-tiba tercium bau harum makanan. Dengan manuver keren, gw pun melirik ke belakang. ADA IBU-IBU YANG NYUAPIN ANAKNYA SAMBIL MAKAN!!
me: pi...laper loh. ibu2 yang di blakang dah makan nih...
cilpi: makanannya apa ya? *mulai tergoda bujuk rayu iblis*
me: ga tau... dari sini keliatan kayak nasi kuning *ngarep*
namun kita pun menahan diri buat ga maem dulu. takut kalo acaranya bakal panjang dan lama dan kita
pingsan kelaparan karena ga punya makanan lagi.
Funny thing happened as always tho :p
*Ruangan gelap, siap buat penyalaan lilin*
cilpi: eh, kita nyalain korek ini yah?
me: hemmm (bayangin bakal kebakaran kalo pada nyalain korek api laknat ini) kayaknya ga deh.
few seconds passed.
cilpi: loh, kok pada dapet flashlight?? kita harusnya dapet juga kan ya?
me: *liat kiri kanan* iyaH! cari deh!
*berdua sibuk ngobok-obok tas konsumsi buat cari senter. hasilnya nihil. ada juga korek yang tadi*
cilpi: hmm masa ada yang dapet korek ada yang dapet senter yah?
me: masa sih...dunia ini tidak adil D:
sepupu *yang duduk disebelahquu*: girls, senter itu DARI KOREK INI LOH! *nunjukin korek api yang di bawahnya ada senter kecilnya*
cilpi n me: oooooooh iyaaaaaa *kayak orang bego trus ketawa ketiwi sendiri*
akhirnya kita semua menyalakan senter dengan perasaan tenang biarpun terlambat beberapa menit. kok orang2 pada pinter ya bisa tau tu korek ada senternya? ato emang kita aja yang katrok? *berusaha keras menolak statement yang terakhir*
Abis penyalaan lilin, ada pemotongan tumpeng. Tenang, ini bukan acara sunat masal kok.
Abis tumpeng dipotong, kita maju kedepan minta sedekah. Tapi itu fiktif belaka. Biarpun pengen sih. APalagi setelah tahu kenyataan bahwa konsumsi yang kita dapet bukan nasi kuning tapi nasi putih *ngintip punya tetangga pake senter*
Yaudah deh terima nasib makan nasi putih dengan lauk seadanya. Not bad. Sayang dingin.
When TW comes out, as I expected, the old and boring people stood just for like 5 minutes or a bit more. Then they sat. Poor TW, they must be dissappointed xD well you came to the wrong place perhapsss :p
However! After the show went on, the heat rose. YEAAAH. The youth came to the front of the stage, singing and jigging. Lift up the atmosphere a bit, eh?
TW was awesome that night tho :D uhuy! Sidney Mohede was chubbier than I
anyway...that made my holiday! *tapi sekarang semangatnya udah luntur lagee. noooo D:*
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