Sambil nulis blog ini, gw terkenang akan masa kecil dulu...Waktu hujan masih hijau, burung merpati masih ngirimin surat cinta, dan rembulan masih tersenyum (eeeh?! ?gw lahir di jaman apa toh?!??).
Dulu. Duluu, banget. Pokoknya waktu gw masih kecil gitu deh, tv di rumah auranya beda sama tv yang sekarang. Bukan karena tv gw yang sekarang gepeng dan anorexic loh, yang gw maksud isinya. Bukan, bukan kabelnya. Acaranya itu lho!
Gw inget berabad-abad yang lalu; nyokap, cici-cici gw, pembokat gw dan gw; tiap sore duduk berdampingan sambil bagi-bagi kacang, nonton tv...BUKAN SINETRON! Tapi telenovela. Yes, telenovela yang sekarang dah punah! Extinct! Ga mampu bertahan melawan produser-produser punjab nehik! Ditiadakan, dibunuh, dirajam batu dan disiksa dengan keji karena dikhawatirkan mengganggu rating sinetron-sinetron sampah yang jumlahnya kayaknya udah ga cukup kalo diitung pake jempol kaki semua penduduk Jawa!
Yeah, telenovela itu.
Cewe: "Fernando Jose..."
Cowo: "Marimar..."
Cewe: "Fernando Jose..."
Cowo: "Paulina..."
Cewe: "Fernando Jose..."
Cowo: "Rosalinda..."
Seinget gw sih, cowonya selalu bernama Fernando Jose.
Rosalinda ayaamoor~ jreng jreng jreng, gitu jinglenya *bodo amat bener apa kaga, gw dengernya waktu kecil gitu pokonya*
Jaman sekarang? Duduk di tv pun semua gelisah. Rebutan nonton sinetron di rcti ato di sctv (yeah, indosiar sekarang sampah). Nonton 5 menit iklan sejam. Maen bentar bersambung. Udah 1 seri cuma setengah jem, adegannya slow motion semua! Apa coba!
Udah Indonesia ini negara sedih, acaranya melankolis semua. Harusnya kan yang ceria gitu, eh ini malah isinya nangis darah mulu. Perhatiin deh iklan sinetronnya rcti. Cuplikan iklannya sedih semua pokonya! Nangis, nangis, naaangis mulu. Liatnya juga sebel.
Beberapa hari lalu gw bete gara-gara nonton sinetron, abisnya bodoo banget bikin gemess.
Bokap gw doyan nonton sinetron ini. Liat aja ntar, kalo serinya dah 1021, pasti juga bete sndiri...Wait n see...Sinetron ni judulnyaah Alisa. ato Alysa. Not like I care...
Ga kreatipnya, actressnya Alysa Subandono...gimana eja namanya ga ngerti, intinya gitu deeeh!
Opening clip.
Alisa nangis.
Alisa dikejar cowonya sambil nangis.
Alisa nangis.
Alisa nangis.
Alisa mewek.
Alisa nangis.Alisa nangis.Alisa nangis.Alisa nangis.Alisa nangis.Alisa nangis.Alisa nangis.
RAAAGHHH!!! Cut it oooofff! D:
But hold on, the worst is yet to come!
Jadi di episode yang gw tonton itu, ada 1 ibu yang ditusuk sama mantan suaminyah, pake piso dapur di tengah jalan yang kebetulan sepi. Setelah 10 menit dengdengdengdeng pake slow motion, tiba-tiba scenenya ganti udah malem! Dah gelap! Dan ibunya masih idup! How commmeeee?
Keanehan selanjutnya, dia panggil-panggil orang yang lewat nae motor, eh ga da yang mau nolongin! Trus akhirnya ada yang brenti, mas2 gitu deh. Si mas inipun takut nolong begitu dibilangin ibu ini abis ditusuk orang. ALESANNYA TAKUT! Dari hongkong? Jadi gini to moral bangsa Indonesia yang dibangga-banggain sama para koruptor itu? Ckckck.
Baeknya mas ini, biarpun ga mau ngasi tumpangan, dia ngasi pinjem hapenya, sodaraku! Ibu pun telpon Alisa, bilang dia abis ditusuk trus uekkh sbelom sempet kasi tau dia ada dimana.
Bak disulap, baru jatuh bentar, ada ambulance dateng! Guess who came with the ambulance?? ALISA!!! Darimana dia tau kalo ibu itu ada di situ ya? Pasti pake dukun..Hmm.
Keanehan yang aneh lagi. Begitu sampe rumah sakit, ada dokter yang muncul. Trus Alisa mohon tu dokter buat selametin ibu itu. Dokter yang luar biasa pinter itu langsung bilang, "Maaf, kondisinya sangat kritis!". Diliat aja belom dok, kali dia cuma pingsan gara-gara liat tikus? Sotoy! Truuus, Alisa ditagih uang buat operasi *ya ga punya lah, tokoh utama kan harus mengenaskan dan menyedihkan*, kalo ga ada ibu itu ga bisa dioperasi. Howeevaaa, pisaunya udah ga nancep...Masa dicabut doang?? Bukannya udah diambil lewat op yah? Lousy...*maklum kebanyakan nonton Greys Anatomy...*
Adegan selanjutnya, Alisa nungguin si ibu di kamar pasien. Tiba-tiba, pulse ibu ilang! Nah, setelah adegan slow motion diiiringin musik seru khas sinetron indo, akhirnya Alisa jadi pinter trus manggil suster. Suster di rumah sakit itu ternyata langka, terbukti dengan sampenya Alisa ke ruangan dokter...
Abis gitu, ya biasa lah terjadi kejahatan dan kesedihan luar biasa yang ga usah dicritain. Bokap gw aja jadi bete liatnya trus ganti ke channel laen. Hahahhhh eat that.
Kemaren gw nonton sinetron. Kali ini bukan Alisa, karena rcti lagi nyiarin sepak bola indo-oz. Ini cinta fitri season 3. Season 3?? Seinget gw, nungguin season 2 nya heroes dulu lama. Nah ini dari season 1 ampe 3 sambung menyambung menjadi satu.
Anyway cinta fitri ni juga ceritanya udah makin dark and twisty alias gejebo. Kemaren aja, ada adegan yang mayan bikin bete. Kan, 1 keluarga ini lagi dinner. Trus 1 couple rese numpahin sayurnya. Adegan sayur tumpah pun di-slowmo. Lagunya seru ga karuan dengdengdeng. Mata-mata melotot. Ada yang sampe mewek segala. Oh tolong. Ga usa berlebihan deeeng. =.=
Sejak kapan tv indo jadi sampah gini ya? Kita tuding noktah merah perkawinan! Kayanya itu nenek moyang sinetron indo deh...Bikin bangsa ini jadi tambah bodo aja T_T omg
Udah ah. Ga ada matinye ngomongin sinetrooon
happy cina new year fellas!
Before we start, lemme try to rememba when was the last time I celebrated chinese new year.
Last year? Nope. I was in Sydney...
The year before last year? I was in Sydney too...
Before I went to uni?
I can't remember when was the last time I did "kionghi kionghi" dengan 'minta angpao' gesture!
Speaking of pathetic, I'm sure I haven't got any angpao ever for the last...15 or so years? Don't blame me if I have no culture running in my blood! Blame those cheapskate old cina! *yang ga perna ngasi angpao, jadi my imlek ga perna berkesan..mwahahah*
Mari kita mengingat masa lalu itu sejenak.
Nysia yang masih kecil dan polos, dulu waktu imlek sering diajak ke rumah emak sama bokapnya. Nah, di situ om dan tante berkumpul. Nysia yang baek dan budiman dulu diajarin buat kionghi-kionghi sama tetua-tetua disono. TAPI nasib sebage anak kecil yang polos di keluarga orang pelit, Nysia ga pernah dikasi angpao! Ever!
Jawabnya selalu:
"Oh, angpaonya besok yaa."
"Besok ya."
"Besok tak kasih yaa."
Besok your butt lah stingy cinas. Mentang-mentang Nysia masih lugu jadi bisa dibodohi! Rawr~.
Jadi setelah mengalami berbagai penolakan dan patah hati Nysia memutuskan bahwa chinese new year isn't that awesome afterall.
Every imlek temen-temen pasti bersemangat keliling ke rumah-rumah sodara dengan mata ijo dan tenaga yang freshly charged buat melakukan minta-angpao-gesture. Nysia? Sante dirumah. *sambil ngemil cemilan dari parsel imlek* .Imlek for me is just another normal day...ironically.
Ngomong-ngomong soal cemilan dan parsel..beberapa hari yang lalu di rumah baru dapet kiriman parsel dari temen bokap. 6 toples kue kering yang so fattening!! Noooh...How about my diet??? I'm screwed!
Hari ini was the first time I spent imlek at home for the past 2 years. As me and my Dad were home...I thought we might go to my emak's place. Apparently my Dad too, has lost his chinese-y life.
Jam 10 pagi pintu kamar Nysia digedor bokap.
Bokap : "Udah siang!! Bangun!!"
Nysia: "ho~..."
*menggeliat-geliat 20 menitan baru keluar kamar*
Bokap: "Pergi makan yuk"
Nysia: "Emang pada buka?"
Bokap: "Buka looh."
Nysia: "iya mandi dulu..."
Perjalanan mencari makanan di saat yang laen sedang sibuk mencari angpao pun dimulai. Karena pilihannya soto ato sate kebo, Nysia pun pilih sate kebo. Siapa yang mau makan soto panas di siang yang panas gene!? Aje gile. Anw, sepanjang jalan ternyata banyak toko buka. Tapi soto kebonya tutup semua!! AAAGHH!! Gimana toh ini! Yang ngerayain imlek malah bapak-bapak sate kebo! Mungkin ini adalah hari perdamaian antara tukang kebo dengan kebonya! Jangan-jangan mereka semua lagi nonton lion dance di klenteng, tukang kebo dan kebonya bergandeng tangan mesra!! *kok ngelantur, I must be starving*
Lalala~ setelah muter-muter yang gagal, akhirnya mobil pun meluncur ke tukang opor ayam. Eh untung buka *dan sepi*.
Ok! Hari imlek masih panjang, sodara-sodara! What do Nysia do? As for now, browsing the web and continuing her life as a pathetic cina! xD
so long...!
Last year? Nope. I was in Sydney...
The year before last year? I was in Sydney too...
Before I went to uni?
I can't remember when was the last time I did "kionghi kionghi" dengan 'minta angpao' gesture!
Speaking of pathetic, I'm sure I haven't got any angpao ever for the last...15 or so years? Don't blame me if I have no culture running in my blood! Blame those cheapskate old cina! *yang ga perna ngasi angpao, jadi my imlek ga perna berkesan..mwahahah*
Mari kita mengingat masa lalu itu sejenak.
Nysia yang masih kecil dan polos, dulu waktu imlek sering diajak ke rumah emak sama bokapnya. Nah, di situ om dan tante berkumpul. Nysia yang baek dan budiman dulu diajarin buat kionghi-kionghi sama tetua-tetua disono. TAPI nasib sebage anak kecil yang polos di keluarga orang pelit, Nysia ga pernah dikasi angpao! Ever!
Jawabnya selalu:
"Oh, angpaonya besok yaa."
"Besok ya."
"Besok tak kasih yaa."
Besok your butt lah stingy cinas. Mentang-mentang Nysia masih lugu jadi bisa dibodohi! Rawr~.
Jadi setelah mengalami berbagai penolakan dan patah hati Nysia memutuskan bahwa chinese new year isn't that awesome afterall.
Every imlek temen-temen pasti bersemangat keliling ke rumah-rumah sodara dengan mata ijo dan tenaga yang freshly charged buat melakukan minta-angpao-gesture. Nysia? Sante dirumah. *sambil ngemil cemilan dari parsel imlek* .Imlek for me is just another normal day...ironically.
Ngomong-ngomong soal cemilan dan parsel..beberapa hari yang lalu di rumah baru dapet kiriman parsel dari temen bokap. 6 toples kue kering yang so fattening!! Noooh...How about my diet??? I'm screwed!
Hari ini was the first time I spent imlek at home for the past 2 years. As me and my Dad were home...I thought we might go to my emak's place. Apparently my Dad too, has lost his chinese-y life.
Jam 10 pagi pintu kamar Nysia digedor bokap.
Bokap : "Udah siang!! Bangun!!"
Nysia: "ho~..."
*menggeliat-geliat 20 menitan baru keluar kamar*
Bokap: "Pergi makan yuk"
Nysia: "Emang pada buka?"
Bokap: "Buka looh."
Nysia: "iya mandi dulu..."
Perjalanan mencari makanan di saat yang laen sedang sibuk mencari angpao pun dimulai. Karena pilihannya soto ato sate kebo, Nysia pun pilih sate kebo. Siapa yang mau makan soto panas di siang yang panas gene!? Aje gile. Anw, sepanjang jalan ternyata banyak toko buka. Tapi soto kebonya tutup semua!! AAAGHH!! Gimana toh ini! Yang ngerayain imlek malah bapak-bapak sate kebo! Mungkin ini adalah hari perdamaian antara tukang kebo dengan kebonya! Jangan-jangan mereka semua lagi nonton lion dance di klenteng, tukang kebo dan kebonya bergandeng tangan mesra!! *kok ngelantur, I must be starving*
Lalala~ setelah muter-muter yang gagal, akhirnya mobil pun meluncur ke tukang opor ayam. Eh untung buka *dan sepi*.
Ok! Hari imlek masih panjang, sodara-sodara! What do Nysia do? As for now, browsing the web and continuing her life as a pathetic cina! xD
so long...!
bersih bersih! clean clean!
Buat ngabisin waktu liburan yang pathetic ini, dua hari belakangan gw bersih-bersih rumah!
It started from chucking all the useless stuff...packing old clothes to donate...bagi-bagi boneka bekas...
Trus gw baru nyadar kalo kamar ini begitu penuh dengan barang-barang ga guna yang udah terkumpul dari jaman purbakala! Selama 2 hari bersih-bersih, gw ngrasa barang yang dibuang udah 1 truk!! Ga ada abisnya!
Begitu kamar gw bersih dan rapi...tangan ini mulai gatel buat bersihin bagian rumah laennya. Next target would be...Dining room! And there's a particular reason why I chose it!
*rewind ke acara new year eve bbq!*
Buat acara bbq, kita rencana pengen bikin es buah. Maka dibelilah sekaleng fruit cocktail di foodhall matahari tercintah...Malem taon baru, temen-temen cari sirup buat dicampurin ke es buah tersebut. Malang bin malang, seingat gw di rumah ga ada sirup! Pencarian sirup pun dimulai. Ruang makan diperiksa. Kulkas ditelanjangi. Ditemukan barang bukti; sebotol sirup yang tinggal dikit. HOWEVER. Setelah diliat dengan lebih seksama, botolnya keliatan udah lamaa banget. Mungkin udah puluhan taon disitu. Dengan was-was kami pun mencari tanggal expirednya sirup ini.
taon 2007.
Taon dimana kuda masih berlari riang dipadang tanpa takut disate ato diperah susunya.
Taon kemerdekaan kalimantan utara *emang ada?*
*kembali ke masa kini*
Ehem. Begitu inget kejadian itu, gw memutuskan buat search through my dining room. Sapa tau ada tikus kejepit (yang pastinya sudah jadi fosil) yang belum dibuang dari jaman kadal pake baju.
Beginilah rincian hasil penggeledahan *aka barang yang berhasil dibuang*:
- Obat2an ga jelas yang expired taon 2004-2008 (2oo4?????????)
- Obat pilek my nephew yang expired taon 2007
- Kapsul my nephew yang expired taon 2004 (eww yang ini nyaris terlewatkan karena pake plastik apotik dan tulisannya ga jelas).
- Another bottle of syrup
- Popcorn tau expired tanggal brapa tapi gw inget tante gw bawa ini kira-kira puluhan taon yang lalu. Dan ternyata ga ada yang menjamah benda keramat ini...sampe sekarang.
Itulah hasil penemuan yang significant! Yang laen berupa gelas hadiah (gelas cantik), garpu plastik, tisu basah dari garuda (ngapain disimpen???), botol oxy kosong, dan laen-laen. Tikus tidak ditemukan dead or alive, alhamduileh.
Next destination! Gudang depan! Dulu, once upon a time, this room was called 'kamar belajar' karena isinya cuma meja belajar dan buku. Kini, isinya komik, kardus tv, kardus rice cooker, kardus dvd dan kardus-kardus laennya yang menumpuk hingga setinggi ceiling. Jalan menuju lemari terblokir. PENUH SESAK!! AKhirnya, hari ni gw buang banyak barang. Ada 2 dus buku pelajaran sma...Majalah taon batu...Maenan abad 19...Dan kawan kawan. Koper mickey mouse jaman sd...Play-doh yang udah sekeras bata...Mungkin truk sampah besok pagi bakal penuh sampah rumah gw doang.
Setelah dibuang dan ditata, this room was so much better. Lagi mengagumi hasil karya alias my masterpiece ini...tiba-tiba...
Pembokat: Nys...
Me: *ga denger* lalala~
Pembokat: Nys, nysia?
Me: hue?
Pembokat: sikat sedotan kolam renang dimana ya? Tadi kardusnya disini...*nunjuk one spot*
Me: HUE??? *Inget kardus yang gw masukin kardus tv raksasa, gw taroh di tumpukan paling bawah! BAWAH!*
Me: Erm. Ntar tak cariin deh.
Dengan bete dan berlinang air mata gw pun nurunin box2 yang ada di atas box tv...buka box itu...dan ketemulah sikat sialnya. Ga tau si bener itu yang dicari apa engga. Bodo laaah. Dah cape ngurusin kardus. Hohohoh.
It started from chucking all the useless stuff...packing old clothes to donate...bagi-bagi boneka bekas...
Trus gw baru nyadar kalo kamar ini begitu penuh dengan barang-barang ga guna yang udah terkumpul dari jaman purbakala! Selama 2 hari bersih-bersih, gw ngrasa barang yang dibuang udah 1 truk!! Ga ada abisnya!
Begitu kamar gw bersih dan rapi...tangan ini mulai gatel buat bersihin bagian rumah laennya. Next target would be...Dining room! And there's a particular reason why I chose it!
*rewind ke acara new year eve bbq!*
Buat acara bbq, kita rencana pengen bikin es buah. Maka dibelilah sekaleng fruit cocktail di foodhall matahari tercintah...Malem taon baru, temen-temen cari sirup buat dicampurin ke es buah tersebut. Malang bin malang, seingat gw di rumah ga ada sirup! Pencarian sirup pun dimulai. Ruang makan diperiksa. Kulkas ditelanjangi. Ditemukan barang bukti; sebotol sirup yang tinggal dikit. HOWEVER. Setelah diliat dengan lebih seksama, botolnya keliatan udah lamaa banget. Mungkin udah puluhan taon disitu. Dengan was-was kami pun mencari tanggal expirednya sirup ini.
taon 2007.
Taon dimana kuda masih berlari riang dipadang tanpa takut disate ato diperah susunya.
Taon kemerdekaan kalimantan utara *emang ada?*
*kembali ke masa kini*
Ehem. Begitu inget kejadian itu, gw memutuskan buat search through my dining room. Sapa tau ada tikus kejepit (yang pastinya sudah jadi fosil) yang belum dibuang dari jaman kadal pake baju.
Beginilah rincian hasil penggeledahan *aka barang yang berhasil dibuang*:
- Obat2an ga jelas yang expired taon 2004-2008 (2oo4?????????)
- Obat pilek my nephew yang expired taon 2007
- Kapsul my nephew yang expired taon 2004 (eww yang ini nyaris terlewatkan karena pake plastik apotik dan tulisannya ga jelas).
- Another bottle of syrup
- Popcorn tau expired tanggal brapa tapi gw inget tante gw bawa ini kira-kira puluhan taon yang lalu. Dan ternyata ga ada yang menjamah benda keramat ini...sampe sekarang.
Itulah hasil penemuan yang significant! Yang laen berupa gelas hadiah (gelas cantik), garpu plastik, tisu basah dari garuda (ngapain disimpen???), botol oxy kosong, dan laen-laen. Tikus tidak ditemukan dead or alive, alhamduileh.
Next destination! Gudang depan! Dulu, once upon a time, this room was called 'kamar belajar' karena isinya cuma meja belajar dan buku. Kini, isinya komik, kardus tv, kardus rice cooker, kardus dvd dan kardus-kardus laennya yang menumpuk hingga setinggi ceiling. Jalan menuju lemari terblokir. PENUH SESAK!! AKhirnya, hari ni gw buang banyak barang. Ada 2 dus buku pelajaran sma...Majalah taon batu...Maenan abad 19...Dan kawan kawan. Koper mickey mouse jaman sd...Play-doh yang udah sekeras bata...Mungkin truk sampah besok pagi bakal penuh sampah rumah gw doang.
Setelah dibuang dan ditata, this room was so much better. Lagi mengagumi hasil karya alias my masterpiece ini...tiba-tiba...
Pembokat: Nys...
Me: *ga denger* lalala~
Pembokat: Nys, nysia?
Me: hue?
Pembokat: sikat sedotan kolam renang dimana ya? Tadi kardusnya disini...*nunjuk one spot*
Me: HUE??? *Inget kardus yang gw masukin kardus tv raksasa, gw taroh di tumpukan paling bawah! BAWAH!*
Me: Erm. Ntar tak cariin deh.
Dengan bete dan berlinang air mata gw pun nurunin box2 yang ada di atas box tv...buka box itu...dan ketemulah sikat sialnya. Ga tau si bener itu yang dicari apa engga. Bodo laaah. Dah cape ngurusin kardus. Hohohoh.
True Worshippers! In my lovely holy city!!
FYI, 'holy city' is not holy-city as in the holy city of the muslims. My hometown is a small (SMALL! Excessively SMALL!) city called 'Kudus'. In english it means 'holy'. Hence the nickname, holy city.
Anywaay, couple days ago my fav christian band, True Worshippers came to kudus. It was quite a surprise...I'm pretty sure most of their crew had no idea that this city exists before they step their feet here =.= yeah that's how pathetic it is...
Well, they came for my church's anniversary and late christmas celebration (no more christmas feel, hello it's january alreadyyy). Again, it was a surprise...I was expecting my church to invite some oldies band...I don't kno, maybe as old as koes plus? Why? Because my church is...well, oldies xD
My friend and her mom picked me up that night, we went to the place, we got a super awesome parking space *right beside the audience area*. I was a kinda expecting the place to be super jampacked already as I see a long queue towards the entrance *dan bergerak selemot siput double-decker*, and I was ready to face the truth that I had to sit outside and see the performance from outside, through the screen. That would've been sad. It's like watching tv. Why should I be out in the rain!!?? But fate has its own way. As I came in with my friend (her mom was still outside, chitchatting with other tantes), my uncle greeted us. Apparently he was ushering that night! Lucky us, he got as two seats. IN THE VIP AREA. SECOND ROW FROM THE FRONT! WHERE THE RICH OLD PEOPLE SAT!!! UHUUUUY xD Umm, we got some weird questioning doubting stares from some people, but who cares. The usher lead us here, people~
The beginning was boooring~~
Baru mulai setengah jam, perutku udah mulai laper. Tiba-tiba tercium bau harum makanan. Dengan manuver keren, gw pun melirik ke belakang. ADA IBU-IBU YANG NYUAPIN ANAKNYA SAMBIL MAKAN!!
me: pi...laper loh. ibu2 yang di blakang dah makan nih...
cilpi: makanannya apa ya? *mulai tergoda bujuk rayu iblis*
me: ga tau... dari sini keliatan kayak nasi kuning *ngarep*
namun kita pun menahan diri buat ga maem dulu. takut kalo acaranya bakal panjang dan lama dan kita
pingsan kelaparan karena ga punya makanan lagi.
Funny thing happened as always tho :p
*Ruangan gelap, siap buat penyalaan lilin*
cilpi: eh, kita nyalain korek ini yah?
me: hemmm (bayangin bakal kebakaran kalo pada nyalain korek api laknat ini) kayaknya ga deh.
few seconds passed.
cilpi: loh, kok pada dapet flashlight?? kita harusnya dapet juga kan ya?
me: *liat kiri kanan* iyaH! cari deh!
*berdua sibuk ngobok-obok tas konsumsi buat cari senter. hasilnya nihil. ada juga korek yang tadi*
cilpi: hmm masa ada yang dapet korek ada yang dapet senter yah?
me: masa sih...dunia ini tidak adil D:
sepupu *yang duduk disebelahquu*: girls, senter itu DARI KOREK INI LOH! *nunjukin korek api yang di bawahnya ada senter kecilnya*
cilpi n me: oooooooh iyaaaaaa *kayak orang bego trus ketawa ketiwi sendiri*
akhirnya kita semua menyalakan senter dengan perasaan tenang biarpun terlambat beberapa menit. kok orang2 pada pinter ya bisa tau tu korek ada senternya? ato emang kita aja yang katrok? *berusaha keras menolak statement yang terakhir*
Abis penyalaan lilin, ada pemotongan tumpeng. Tenang, ini bukan acara sunat masal kok.
Abis tumpeng dipotong, kita maju kedepan minta sedekah. Tapi itu fiktif belaka. Biarpun pengen sih. APalagi setelah tahu kenyataan bahwa konsumsi yang kita dapet bukan nasi kuning tapi nasi putih *ngintip punya tetangga pake senter*
Yaudah deh terima nasib makan nasi putih dengan lauk seadanya. Not bad. Sayang dingin.
When TW comes out, as I expected, the old and boring people stood just for like 5 minutes or a bit more. Then they sat. Poor TW, they must be dissappointed xD well you came to the wrong place perhapsss :p
However! After the show went on, the heat rose. YEAAAH. The youth came to the front of the stage, singing and jigging. Lift up the atmosphere a bit, eh?
TW was awesome that night tho :D uhuy! Sidney Mohede was chubbier than I
anyway...that made my holiday! *tapi sekarang semangatnya udah luntur lagee. noooo D:*
Anywaay, couple days ago my fav christian band, True Worshippers came to kudus. It was quite a surprise...I'm pretty sure most of their crew had no idea that this city exists before they step their feet here =.= yeah that's how pathetic it is...
Well, they came for my church's anniversary and late christmas celebration (no more christmas feel, hello it's january alreadyyy). Again, it was a surprise...I was expecting my church to invite some oldies band...I don't kno, maybe as old as koes plus? Why? Because my church is...well, oldies xD
My friend and her mom picked me up that night, we went to the place, we got a super awesome parking space *right beside the audience area*. I was a kinda expecting the place to be super jampacked already as I see a long queue towards the entrance *dan bergerak selemot siput double-decker*, and I was ready to face the truth that I had to sit outside and see the performance from outside, through the screen. That would've been sad. It's like watching tv. Why should I be out in the rain!!?? But fate has its own way. As I came in with my friend (her mom was still outside, chitchatting with other tantes), my uncle greeted us. Apparently he was ushering that night! Lucky us, he got as two seats. IN THE VIP AREA. SECOND ROW FROM THE FRONT! WHERE THE RICH OLD PEOPLE SAT!!! UHUUUUY xD Umm, we got some weird questioning doubting stares from some people, but who cares. The usher lead us here, people~
The beginning was boooring~~
Baru mulai setengah jam, perutku udah mulai laper. Tiba-tiba tercium bau harum makanan. Dengan manuver keren, gw pun melirik ke belakang. ADA IBU-IBU YANG NYUAPIN ANAKNYA SAMBIL MAKAN!!
me: pi...laper loh. ibu2 yang di blakang dah makan nih...
cilpi: makanannya apa ya? *mulai tergoda bujuk rayu iblis*
me: ga tau... dari sini keliatan kayak nasi kuning *ngarep*
namun kita pun menahan diri buat ga maem dulu. takut kalo acaranya bakal panjang dan lama dan kita
pingsan kelaparan karena ga punya makanan lagi.
Funny thing happened as always tho :p
*Ruangan gelap, siap buat penyalaan lilin*
cilpi: eh, kita nyalain korek ini yah?
me: hemmm (bayangin bakal kebakaran kalo pada nyalain korek api laknat ini) kayaknya ga deh.
few seconds passed.
cilpi: loh, kok pada dapet flashlight?? kita harusnya dapet juga kan ya?
me: *liat kiri kanan* iyaH! cari deh!
*berdua sibuk ngobok-obok tas konsumsi buat cari senter. hasilnya nihil. ada juga korek yang tadi*
cilpi: hmm masa ada yang dapet korek ada yang dapet senter yah?
me: masa sih...dunia ini tidak adil D:
sepupu *yang duduk disebelahquu*: girls, senter itu DARI KOREK INI LOH! *nunjukin korek api yang di bawahnya ada senter kecilnya*
cilpi n me: oooooooh iyaaaaaa *kayak orang bego trus ketawa ketiwi sendiri*
akhirnya kita semua menyalakan senter dengan perasaan tenang biarpun terlambat beberapa menit. kok orang2 pada pinter ya bisa tau tu korek ada senternya? ato emang kita aja yang katrok? *berusaha keras menolak statement yang terakhir*
Abis penyalaan lilin, ada pemotongan tumpeng. Tenang, ini bukan acara sunat masal kok.
Abis tumpeng dipotong, kita maju kedepan minta sedekah. Tapi itu fiktif belaka. Biarpun pengen sih. APalagi setelah tahu kenyataan bahwa konsumsi yang kita dapet bukan nasi kuning tapi nasi putih *ngintip punya tetangga pake senter*
Yaudah deh terima nasib makan nasi putih dengan lauk seadanya. Not bad. Sayang dingin.
When TW comes out, as I expected, the old and boring people stood just for like 5 minutes or a bit more. Then they sat. Poor TW, they must be dissappointed xD well you came to the wrong place perhapsss :p
However! After the show went on, the heat rose. YEAAAH. The youth came to the front of the stage, singing and jigging. Lift up the atmosphere a bit, eh?
TW was awesome that night tho :D uhuy! Sidney Mohede was chubbier than I
anyway...that made my holiday! *tapi sekarang semangatnya udah luntur lagee. noooo D:*
tante misterius
Someone's been haunting me for the past few weeks of my peaceful (read:boring) holiday. Who can it beee??
*deng deeeng*
I remember my convo with one of my best friend, nopha;
Me: I see her EVERYWHERE
Nopha: *LOL* ha, maybe dia berjodoh ma loe!
Kata keramat itu jadi terngiang-ngiang: jodohjodohjodohjodoh
Tobat lah jodoh sama tante itu...
So, who is this tante geje??
The story begins few years back, when I was still in high school. Me and some of my friends used to help the church's kantin -> actually, it's not much of a kantin, cuma ada 1 display dijejali berbagai makanan ringan dan berat dan recehan kalo ada orang ngamen. Yang terakhir bohong ding, orang ngamen kalo masuk pasti dah disetrum dulu sampe gosong sama security. Tapi itu juga bohong. Halah.
Nah ternyata, as young and fabulous teenagers, tante-tante pengurus komisi wanita rupanya ga 100% percaya sama kitekite. Hal ini was proven dengan ditempatkannya seorang anjing galak...I mean tante-tante buat mengawasi kita. Bahasa kerennya supervisor gituloh.
But! This tante was an evil godmother *loh?*. She was the most annoying tante ever lived in my kampung halaman!! No kidding! Her face is full of wrinkles, and she has a permanent frown on her face, and her hair was dyed with some oogly colour. I believe she's younger than she looks. Anyway, she always have the pissed off look that can kill any coro. She's annoying, totally. She's supposed to help, but she's to sotoy to trust anyone, she's too hyper and to pissed and too random and and and...beyond words.
ONE PEACEFUL SUNDAY, we were helping there. My friends, my beloved friends, I believe all of you do aware that accidents happen anywhere everywhere, RIGHT?? RIIIGHT?? So that day, a plastik of bakso kuah just popped accidentally *can't remember how nor who did that*. Then all I could remember was...TANTE GEJE TO THE RESCUE!!! *pamparapaaam*
She grabbed the bakso, poured the leftover of the kuah to a new plastic bag, and dashed to the restroom. WHY RESTROOM?? GOD, WHY??? Ehm. Anyway, she appeared with a grin *but the permanent frown is permanent*, a winning grin as if she just did something worth nobel prize-winning. Later on, she told us.
Tante GEJE: "Sayang kalo dibuang, ini masih bersih kok. Tak cuci di wastafel tadi, pake sabun."
Anak-anak muda yang malang: "..." *wajah pucat pasi yang kemudian berubah dari ungu ke hijau ke abu-abu karena jijik*
Pesan moral: budayakan makanan instan, aman terpercaya. jangan terima bila kemasan rusak.
When I graduated, I tot I won't meet this tante geje ever again. Apparently, I was wrong. Since the day I went back from Melbourne for my summer hol, I've seen her for lotsa time already.
Sighting #1
I was out for lunch with my dad di rumah makan in a street known as gang 1. Tante geje was spotted, helping out there. I felt nauseatic somehow. Could it be...
Sighting #2
Every weekend, my dad will visit my grandma. My grandma has a jewelry store that is now run by my aunt. TANTE GEJE WAS HELPING THERE. With her permanent frown and cold stare. I feel so unsafe.
Sighting #3
I forgot where I went to, but when I got home, I saw tante geje buying nasi tahu beside my house. *shivers*
Sighting #4
I was in my car, going home after dinner. Tante geje was walking on the side walk, going somewhere only heaven knos.
Sighting #5
It's not a sighting anymore, it's an encounter!!!
So, I was eating at the same place where sighting #1 happened. As I expected, tante geje was there, helping. While I was eating, she washed her hand twice in 3 minutes, while staring at my table (or maybe me, or my dad!). Then she asked my dad about my aunt's housekeeper and yaddayadayadda. When my dad was paying the bill, she suddenly asked for a ride to "blahblahblah" (her language and accent was too advanced to be understood). I was shivering. My dad tried to refuse, but this tante was too ngilfilin. After tense minutes passed, she got in the car without anyone's permission =.= Hmm. Hmmmmm. Anyway. That was so random. She was in the car for about 5 minutes only, because apparently we're not going to the same direction. She was so impatient!
Tante geje: Yaudah turunin di onde-onde aja
Dad: yo *pasrah*
Sopir: iya bentar, ga bisa
Dad: omongmu, aku ditangkep polisi nanti *mobil udah jalan ke pinggiran siap buat ngelempar tante2 itu kluar*
Tante geje: Halah ditangkep polisi opo, orak ono! yo wes tak turun sini.
My dad, me, sopir: ...
Finally peace returns to my car...Omg omg omg.
Meh. What a random tante.
Oh she dyed her hair black now.
I think white suits you better, tante.
*deng deeeng*
I remember my convo with one of my best friend, nopha;
Me: I see her EVERYWHERE
Nopha: *LOL* ha, maybe dia berjodoh ma loe!
Kata keramat itu jadi terngiang-ngiang: jodohjodohjodohjodoh
Tobat lah jodoh sama tante itu...
So, who is this tante geje??
The story begins few years back, when I was still in high school. Me and some of my friends used to help the church's kantin -> actually, it's not much of a kantin, cuma ada 1 display dijejali berbagai makanan ringan dan berat dan recehan kalo ada orang ngamen. Yang terakhir bohong ding, orang ngamen kalo masuk pasti dah disetrum dulu sampe gosong sama security. Tapi itu juga bohong. Halah.
Nah ternyata, as young and fabulous teenagers, tante-tante pengurus komisi wanita rupanya ga 100% percaya sama kitekite. Hal ini was proven dengan ditempatkannya seorang anjing galak...I mean tante-tante buat mengawasi kita. Bahasa kerennya supervisor gituloh.
But! This tante was an evil godmother *loh?*. She was the most annoying tante ever lived in my kampung halaman!! No kidding! Her face is full of wrinkles, and she has a permanent frown on her face, and her hair was dyed with some oogly colour. I believe she's younger than she looks. Anyway, she always have the pissed off look that can kill any coro. She's annoying, totally. She's supposed to help, but she's to sotoy to trust anyone, she's too hyper and to pissed and too random and and and...beyond words.
ONE PEACEFUL SUNDAY, we were helping there. My friends, my beloved friends, I believe all of you do aware that accidents happen anywhere everywhere, RIGHT?? RIIIGHT?? So that day, a plastik of bakso kuah just popped accidentally *can't remember how nor who did that*. Then all I could remember was...TANTE GEJE TO THE RESCUE!!! *pamparapaaam*
She grabbed the bakso, poured the leftover of the kuah to a new plastic bag, and dashed to the restroom. WHY RESTROOM?? GOD, WHY??? Ehm. Anyway, she appeared with a grin *but the permanent frown is permanent*, a winning grin as if she just did something worth nobel prize-winning. Later on, she told us.
Tante GEJE: "Sayang kalo dibuang, ini masih bersih kok. Tak cuci di wastafel tadi, pake sabun."
Anak-anak muda yang malang: "..." *wajah pucat pasi yang kemudian berubah dari ungu ke hijau ke abu-abu karena jijik*
Pesan moral: budayakan makanan instan, aman terpercaya. jangan terima bila kemasan rusak.
When I graduated, I tot I won't meet this tante geje ever again. Apparently, I was wrong. Since the day I went back from Melbourne for my summer hol, I've seen her for lotsa time already.
Sighting #1
I was out for lunch with my dad di rumah makan in a street known as gang 1. Tante geje was spotted, helping out there. I felt nauseatic somehow. Could it be...
Sighting #2
Every weekend, my dad will visit my grandma. My grandma has a jewelry store that is now run by my aunt. TANTE GEJE WAS HELPING THERE. With her permanent frown and cold stare. I feel so unsafe.
Sighting #3
I forgot where I went to, but when I got home, I saw tante geje buying nasi tahu beside my house. *shivers*
Sighting #4
I was in my car, going home after dinner. Tante geje was walking on the side walk, going somewhere only heaven knos.
Sighting #5
It's not a sighting anymore, it's an encounter!!!
So, I was eating at the same place where sighting #1 happened. As I expected, tante geje was there, helping. While I was eating, she washed her hand twice in 3 minutes, while staring at my table (or maybe me, or my dad!). Then she asked my dad about my aunt's housekeeper and yaddayadayadda. When my dad was paying the bill, she suddenly asked for a ride to "blahblahblah" (her language and accent was too advanced to be understood). I was shivering. My dad tried to refuse, but this tante was too ngilfilin. After tense minutes passed, she got in the car without anyone's permission =.= Hmm. Hmmmmm. Anyway. That was so random. She was in the car for about 5 minutes only, because apparently we're not going to the same direction. She was so impatient!
Tante geje: Yaudah turunin di onde-onde aja
Dad: yo *pasrah*
Sopir: iya bentar, ga bisa
Dad: omongmu, aku ditangkep polisi nanti *mobil udah jalan ke pinggiran siap buat ngelempar tante2 itu kluar*
Tante geje: Halah ditangkep polisi opo, orak ono! yo wes tak turun sini.
My dad, me, sopir: ...
Finally peace returns to my car...Omg omg omg.
Meh. What a random tante.
Oh she dyed her hair black now.
I think white suits you better, tante.
interesting encounters
listen to the rythm of the rain...
I woke up today, a bit late but who cares - I'm up anyway, to find out that it was raining...
No wonder it was so cold in my room! I woke up early in the morning just to put on a thicker blanket xD and went back to my deep sleep. Even my desperate phone couldn't wake me up...lame.
Anyway! What I'm trying to say here iiiis...I love the feeling! Nyahahah :3
It feels like holiday; waking up late, it's raining outside and I don't need to go anywhere but in front of the tv to watch some more pirated dvds. *wait, it IS a holiday T_T*
Now I just need a hot shower and wish the day will be perfect :p
Hmm no, nothing stupid happened yet. I haven't interact with anyone at home. People are out of sight! D: Nooooo~
O well. I'm going out tonight. There's a late christmas celebration plus anniversary of my church! Time to socialise! HAHAH. Long holiday does make me crazeeeh.
Til latta
No wonder it was so cold in my room! I woke up early in the morning just to put on a thicker blanket xD and went back to my deep sleep. Even my desperate phone couldn't wake me up...lame.
Anyway! What I'm trying to say here iiiis...I love the feeling! Nyahahah :3
It feels like holiday; waking up late, it's raining outside and I don't need to go anywhere but in front of the tv to watch some more pirated dvds. *wait, it IS a holiday T_T*
Now I just need a hot shower and wish the day will be perfect :p
Hmm no, nothing stupid happened yet. I haven't interact with anyone at home. People are out of sight! D: Nooooo~
O well. I'm going out tonight. There's a late christmas celebration plus anniversary of my church! Time to socialise! HAHAH. Long holiday does make me crazeeeh.
Til latta
holiday tastes no better than dark hot chocolate :9
Yay I'm bored.
Sounds fun? Yeah.
I miss Meeeelbbooourne D: and don't blame me if I do, as I can't satisfy my lust for chocolatey stuff in my lovely hometown, Kampung Kudus. Believe it or not, tho, Kudus is not a kampung, nor kecamatan nor kabupaten. ITS A KOTAA!! KOTA! I wonder what makes people think so. It's FAR from my image of a city. Hey, where's the mall? And the xpensive restaurants we all love? OH AND THE FAST FOODD restaurants???
*tapi gak smua keluhan yang lo baca itu bener. I do enjoy cheapo food. Hail cheapskate asians!*
I still have approx a month til the time I go back to Melbourne...So I need to find something to do. However. I'm just to lazy to move my butt. I think I'm becoming a couch potato xD
Picture this in your mind:
A big flat screen tv, a comfy sofa, tons of cushions, coffee table that is perfect to put your feet on, my loyal fluffy dog, a tall stack of (pirated) DVDs, and ME!. Woohooh! Just nice. Oh the bathroom is close too, just in case of nature call. Lalala~lazy me. Lucky I lost my apetite a bit :p
Oh and speaking about my house...It seems that my dad has succesfully turned the whole space into a bird motel. Yeah, bird motel...fully serviced. Dari garasi depan sampe kebon di belakang, semua untuk burung. Hmm speaking about bird motel...
Scene 1:
Burung: *buzzz*
Pegawai 1: Ya pak, bisa dibantu?
Burung: Saya cari kamar yang ada view-nya.
Pegawai 1: No problemo! Tunggu ya pak ya *manis ala orang Indo*
Burung: *whistling*
Pegawai 1: Ini ada 2 pilihan, yang 1 kamar dengan view menghadap kolam ikan, yang 1 menghadap kolam renang.
Burung: Yang menghadap kolam renang berapa harganya?
Pegawai 1: Menang lomba kicauan tingkat kabupaten.
Burung: *hands the pegawai satu sertifikat lomba*
Pegawai 1: Hmm hmm. Oke pak, the room's yours.
Burung: Fasilitasnya apa aja to?
Pegawai 1: tiap pagi kita bawa melihat pemandangan dari tempat tinggi, 3x meal diantar ke kamar, sunbathing tiap siang, toileteries di-provide, vitamin dan minuman segar setiap hari.
Scene 2
Burung cerewet laki-laki (BCL): *buzzz buzzz* Hoi mas, mbok ya kalo servis itu yang bener (ngomongnya medhok), saya udah nunggu lamalhodaritadisampepegelinilhonunggunya,
Pegawai 2: Maap, maap, bisa dibantu?
BCL: ya bisa banget to ya, saya ini cari kamar lho, coba saya dibantu, saya ini wong ndeso ora mudeng opo opo, pie to pie ini pie??
Pegawai 2: *...bengong* Oh. Emm ada kamar yang murah pak, ngga ada viewnya, ada yang lebih mahal ada-
BCL: lho lho lho maksudmu tu opo, emang saya kayak ndak mampu, gitu? enak wae, gini gini saya ini burung yang dicari om-om lho, suaraku merdu dan rupawan, kamu seenaknya aja nanti tak lapor manajermu kapok ya! Coba, yang mahal berapa semalemnya?!
Pegawai 2: anu..oh ya maap pak. Yang mahal...menghadap kolam renang dan kebun...sertifikat lomba nasional...
BCL: *diem* Kalo yang murah?
Pegawai 2: Ada di deket dapur pak, smoking area.
BCL: ndak nanya dimana, BERAPA!?
Pegawai 2: aanuu bayar pak, tapi harus ikut latihan tiap hari biar bapak bisa nyanyi dulu yang merdu.
BCL: Ya wes tak ambil yang murah.
Well doesn't happen IRL but still, my dad really spent time n money for those birdos. Noisy birdos. And my dad, who doesn't like traveling and didn't even go to jakarta to see his newborn grandson n granddaughter because of that reason, traveled far far away for bird competitions. Hmm speaking about ironic. Not that I'm complaining tho, I'm happy he has something to do now. *apart from nonton sinetron dan pijet*
Haah I hope Feb comes asap xD
Sounds fun? Yeah.
I miss Meeeelbbooourne D: and don't blame me if I do, as I can't satisfy my lust for chocolatey stuff in my lovely hometown, Kampung Kudus. Believe it or not, tho, Kudus is not a kampung, nor kecamatan nor kabupaten. ITS A KOTAA!! KOTA! I wonder what makes people think so. It's FAR from my image of a city. Hey, where's the mall? And the xpensive restaurants we all love? OH AND THE FAST FOODD restaurants???
*tapi gak smua keluhan yang lo baca itu bener. I do enjoy cheapo food. Hail cheapskate asians!*
I still have approx a month til the time I go back to Melbourne...So I need to find something to do. However. I'm just to lazy to move my butt. I think I'm becoming a couch potato xD
Picture this in your mind:
A big flat screen tv, a comfy sofa, tons of cushions, coffee table that is perfect to put your feet on, my loyal fluffy dog, a tall stack of (pirated) DVDs, and ME!. Woohooh! Just nice. Oh the bathroom is close too, just in case of nature call. Lalala~lazy me. Lucky I lost my apetite a bit :p
Oh and speaking about my house...It seems that my dad has succesfully turned the whole space into a bird motel. Yeah, bird motel...fully serviced. Dari garasi depan sampe kebon di belakang, semua untuk burung. Hmm speaking about bird motel...
Scene 1:
Burung: *buzzz*
Pegawai 1: Ya pak, bisa dibantu?
Burung: Saya cari kamar yang ada view-nya.
Pegawai 1: No problemo! Tunggu ya pak ya *manis ala orang Indo*
Burung: *whistling*
Pegawai 1: Ini ada 2 pilihan, yang 1 kamar dengan view menghadap kolam ikan, yang 1 menghadap kolam renang.
Burung: Yang menghadap kolam renang berapa harganya?
Pegawai 1: Menang lomba kicauan tingkat kabupaten.
Burung: *hands the pegawai satu sertifikat lomba*
Pegawai 1: Hmm hmm. Oke pak, the room's yours.
Burung: Fasilitasnya apa aja to?
Pegawai 1: tiap pagi kita bawa melihat pemandangan dari tempat tinggi, 3x meal diantar ke kamar, sunbathing tiap siang, toileteries di-provide, vitamin dan minuman segar setiap hari.
Scene 2
Burung cerewet laki-laki (BCL): *buzzz buzzz* Hoi mas, mbok ya kalo servis itu yang bener (ngomongnya medhok), saya udah nunggu lamalhodaritadisampepegelinilhonunggunya,
Pegawai 2: Maap, maap, bisa dibantu?
BCL: ya bisa banget to ya, saya ini cari kamar lho, coba saya dibantu, saya ini wong ndeso ora mudeng opo opo, pie to pie ini pie??
Pegawai 2: *...bengong* Oh. Emm ada kamar yang murah pak, ngga ada viewnya, ada yang lebih mahal ada-
BCL: lho lho lho maksudmu tu opo, emang saya kayak ndak mampu, gitu? enak wae, gini gini saya ini burung yang dicari om-om lho, suaraku merdu dan rupawan, kamu seenaknya aja nanti tak lapor manajermu kapok ya! Coba, yang mahal berapa semalemnya?!
Pegawai 2: anu..oh ya maap pak. Yang mahal...menghadap kolam renang dan kebun...sertifikat lomba nasional...
BCL: *diem* Kalo yang murah?
Pegawai 2: Ada di deket dapur pak, smoking area.
BCL: ndak nanya dimana, BERAPA!?
Pegawai 2: aanuu bayar pak, tapi harus ikut latihan tiap hari biar bapak bisa nyanyi dulu yang merdu.
BCL: Ya wes tak ambil yang murah.
Well doesn't happen IRL but still, my dad really spent time n money for those birdos. Noisy birdos. And my dad, who doesn't like traveling and didn't even go to jakarta to see his newborn grandson n granddaughter because of that reason, traveled far far away for bird competitions. Hmm speaking about ironic. Not that I'm complaining tho, I'm happy he has something to do now. *apart from nonton sinetron dan pijet*
Haah I hope Feb comes asap xD
open up my eyes to the things unseen...
Merry belated christmas and happy belated new year! Woohoohh! It's 2009, baaby!
Let's screw the economic crisis rumour and mama laurent's (or however she spells her name) modjojojo about how dark the future will be. I mean, come on, anyone can forcast some catastrophies will happen in our beloved country and tahdah it will happen. We kno thaat rrright?
So it's officially the fifth day of 2009. It's 1 am in the morning and I'm writing my blog. He-llo? Yeah I don't feel like sleeping just yet. I've been doing nothing important this hols and it's supa depressing...
Let's say it just happened that I was thinking about life. Liiiife. Is exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting, when everything goes the way you want it to be. When you rich spoiled brat can waste your rich parents money on useless stuff like bags and sports car. When you poor people get scraps of food for the whole family to eat. When dog chases its tail without being accused for doing porno-action (???). Yeah all is good, all is happy-go-lucky. You're happy, the sun shines bright, there's a halo over your head. You smile like a retard all day long. Simply awesome.
But things remind me and maybe you too about the scary part of living on this earth. We have responsibilities here. We are made for a purpose. Yeah, we weren't made just to eat and get fat, apparently. You like it or not, believe it or not, see it coming or not, life's gonna end sooner or later. In fact, it's coming right in front of your nose. Boom. You're gone. My primary-junior high friend passed away few days ago. See, young people die too, morons.
Someday I think, it'd be nice if all people be good and go to heaven. Buut, some people are just not interested in doing good for heaven knows what the reason is. So I suppose some (or majority) are going to hell. Yyepp. HELL. So I think again, it's ok they're going there as long as I'm safe and happy and well fed but stay sexy in heaven. Then I think more and more. HOW IF some people I love can't go with moi? It's gonna sucks, badly. Hmmh. *hey I have every right in the world to be serious and think, eh?*
That makes me wonder, will we bear guilt or regrets in heaven? How if someday I remember someone that's not in heaven and thought, "I could've brought him here if only I tried harder that time." *or "I can kill him while he was still good so he died good, or I can get a lion to eat him, perhaps."*
Geez, won't we enjoy our time in heaven while bearing such guilt. Hmm hmm.
So! Unto the new year resolution!
I'm gonna start working my butt off!!!
To lose weight!!!
*kok ga nyambung sama isi blognya ya?*
err anywaaaay...
I wish you think about those stuff...You better watch out, you better be good...*saaanta claus is comiing to town*
and here's a refrain from a song I like, as a bonus.
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to
Let's screw the economic crisis rumour and mama laurent's (or however she spells her name) modjojojo about how dark the future will be. I mean, come on, anyone can forcast some catastrophies will happen in our beloved country and tahdah it will happen. We kno thaat rrright?
So it's officially the fifth day of 2009. It's 1 am in the morning and I'm writing my blog. He-llo? Yeah I don't feel like sleeping just yet. I've been doing nothing important this hols and it's supa depressing...
Let's say it just happened that I was thinking about life. Liiiife. Is exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting, when everything goes the way you want it to be. When you rich spoiled brat can waste your rich parents money on useless stuff like bags and sports car. When you poor people get scraps of food for the whole family to eat. When dog chases its tail without being accused for doing porno-action (???). Yeah all is good, all is happy-go-lucky. You're happy, the sun shines bright, there's a halo over your head. You smile like a retard all day long. Simply awesome.
But things remind me and maybe you too about the scary part of living on this earth. We have responsibilities here. We are made for a purpose. Yeah, we weren't made just to eat and get fat, apparently. You like it or not, believe it or not, see it coming or not, life's gonna end sooner or later. In fact, it's coming right in front of your nose. Boom. You're gone. My primary-junior high friend passed away few days ago. See, young people die too, morons.
Someday I think, it'd be nice if all people be good and go to heaven. Buut, some people are just not interested in doing good for heaven knows what the reason is. So I suppose some (or majority) are going to hell. Yyepp. HELL. So I think again, it's ok they're going there as long as I'm safe and happy and well fed but stay sexy in heaven. Then I think more and more. HOW IF some people I love can't go with moi? It's gonna sucks, badly. Hmmh. *hey I have every right in the world to be serious and think, eh?*
That makes me wonder, will we bear guilt or regrets in heaven? How if someday I remember someone that's not in heaven and thought, "I could've brought him here if only I tried harder that time." *or "I can kill him while he was still good so he died good, or I can get a lion to eat him, perhaps."*
Geez, won't we enjoy our time in heaven while bearing such guilt. Hmm hmm.
So! Unto the new year resolution!
I'm gonna start working my butt off!!!
To lose weight!!!
*kok ga nyambung sama isi blognya ya?*
err anywaaaay...
I wish you think about those stuff...You better watch out, you better be good...*saaanta claus is comiing to town*
and here's a refrain from a song I like, as a bonus.
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to
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